reuse - significado y definición. Qué es reuse
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Qué (quién) es reuse - definición

When you reuse something, you use it again instead of throwing it away.
Try where possible to reuse paper.
Reuse is also a noun.
Copper, brass and aluminium are separated and remelted for reuse.
Using code developed for one application program in another application. Traditionally achieved using program libraries. Object-oriented programming offers reusability of code via its techniques of inheritance and genericity. Class libraries with intelligent browsers and {application generators} are under development to help in this process. Polymorphic functional languages also support reusability while retaining the benefits of strong typing. See also DRAGOON, National Software Reuse Directory, RLF.
¦ verb ri:'ju:z use again or more than once.
¦ noun ri:'ju:s the action of using something again.
reusable adjective


Reuse is the action or practice of using an item, whether for its original purpose (conventional reuse) or to fulfill a different function (creative reuse or repurposing). It should be distinguished from recycling, which is the breaking down of used items to make raw materials for the manufacture of new products.
Ejemplos de pronunciación para reuse
1. reuses.
Design as Optimism _ William McDonough _ Talks at Google
2. or reuse--
The Meaning of Green _ Mark Petruzzi _ Talks at Google
3. reuse a shoe program.
Zero Waste Home _ Bea Johnson _ Talks at Google
4. that we could reuse.
Why Information Grows _ Cesar Hidalgo _ Talks at Google
5. and third is reuse.
The Responsible Company _ Vincent Stanley _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de reuse
1. A state–appointed authority presented a reuse plan to Gov.
2. "But this year, I‘m forcing the kids to reuse their backpacks," McLean said.
3. Just guessing.Recycle, Reuse The government apparently can find a place to use all its assets.
4. The enormous flower halls reuse rainwater in fountains to control the humidity and entrance small children.
5. The best approach is to reuse and then recycle disposable bags.